Standards and Identity: Tools for Success

What are you dreaming of?

When I worked for Martha Stewart, good was not the standard of excellence. Great was the expectation. She had a dream for herself, and her company that was bigger than most could imagine was possible.

We grew from one magazine, Martha Stewart Living, to 4 magazines. Then we launched a TV show. Then a website, radio, and merchandising. As the multi-media and merchandising company of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia evolved, so did its brand standards.

As the brand’s standards leveled up, so did my skills, standards, and identity. I operated differently as I added new skills. I was a different leader at each stage of growth.

My ability to see a new higher potential for myself also changed.

I became what I dreamed of for myself.

When you look back on when you grew in skills and experience, your standards changed along with you. 

Think back to when you started your first job out of college.

Think back to....

When you raised your standards, you set a new level of excellence for yourself.

When you raised your standards, you deepened your belief in yourself.

When you raised your standards, you became the next best version of yourself.

When you raised your standards, you realized a dream for yourself.

You saw new possibilities from a new stage that once seemed an impossible dream.

Elevating your standards and your identity comes when you make a choice. A choice to grow. A choice to become your next best version. A choice to believe in a new dream.

Going for that new job.

Increasing your prices.

Launching a new product.

Doubling your revenue.

Writing a book.

Making the decision to take what’s good for you today and make it great. 

Making the decision to go for that dream. Setting a new standard for yourself and a new identity.

One of my clients is a doctor who has practiced medicine for years. 

She had a dream of changing women’s healthcare.

A new standard and a new identity.

She left the hospital system to open her first practice.

A new standard and a new identity. 

Her practice grew to more locations.

A new standard and a new identity.

She developed new standards of care, proprietary research, and medical algorithms. 

A new standard and a new identity.

Her dreams grew bigger with each new standard she set for herself.

Where she once was a doctor who served patients, she grew her standards and identity to become a C.E.O. who is in service to her mission to change women’s healthcare. 

A new standard and a new identity.

As her dream grew, so did her skills, experience, standards, identity, and her belief in herself.

She is now her past self’s dream.

She had a dream. She imagined a new possibility and put 'what if' questions into action.

She is now dreaming even bigger than she could have ever imagined.

Taking your standards to the next level will have a powerful impact on your identity—the next best version of it.

Becoming that next level starts with reimagining new standards for you. Doing you better. 

Let’s raise your expectation of standards for what’s possible for you. 

You are the biggest influencer in your life, and when you recognize your influence over you, it is a game changer.

You get to decide the size of your dream.

What matters is having one. 

If you are considering working with a Coach or want to know more about the components of a Coaching engagement, let’s get on a call with this link.

The question I get most frequently on these calls, ‘what results can I achieve?’ Here’s what one client shared:

"The biggest impact working with Christina The ‘Thought work she taught has given me a greater sense of awareness, and ultimately, control, over my emotional response to situations at work and at home. I am stepping into a major career transition with joy, grace and pride.’"

High performance business coaching, executive leadership coaching, life coaching combined for massive value and impact on your life and business.


Competency, Confidence, and Belief for CEOs and High Performers


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