The Soul of Money

My relationship with money started early. On the coffee table in my childhood home sat an oversized glossy picture book full of black and white photos. 

The title of the book: The Bag Ladies of New York City. 

My parents divorced when I was 11. My mother got a job in advertising making $18,000. So I got a job.

At 11, my first job was washing dishes at Sicilian Sun, a local Italian restaurant just a walk from my home.

At 13, I became an Avon lady selling from a catalog and acting as an apprentice to my stepsister, who was old enough to own the account. It was my first sales job.

Today, I work with CEOs to scale their businesses. To scale in business, they must first scale their minds. 

Most of us don’t. We are not taught about the power of mindset, yet the Cambridge Institute of Technology’s research on success says that 85% of success comes from mindset. 

My hustle-money mindset rooted in all-or-nothing thinking was embedded at an early age.

The only thing you can control inside your business is your mind. How your mind is attached to money can be the difference between leading powerfully or leading from fear and scarcity.

I have a client that refers to her money mindset as being rooted in her immigrant heritage and her modeling her parents, who came to the U.S. with little and working to create their wealth.

This wildly accomplished entrepreneur now sees that her mindset is the thing keeping her small. 

It’s what got her here, sitting in heaps of awards, new hires, and working with flagship Fortune 100 companies. But it will not get her the dream of leaving a generational legacy.

Many of us have been propelled by fear of not having and paranoia about giving away our recipe for success. Scarcity thinking which must be released to achieve real success.

When we let go of all-or-nothing thinking, it brings new freedom. 

How is your relationship with money affecting how you show up at work and in life?

Somedays, my hustle-money mindset defaults to outrageous fears like becoming a bag lady. Intellectually crazy, but having that subconsciously play on repeat in my head gives me anything but freedom.

I work to let go of all-or-nothing thinking and now have a giving relationship with money.

I give myself compassion for my fears.

I give myself an understanding of the meaning I place on money.

I give myself belief in my ability to make money.

I give myself permission to separate money from my self-worth.

When the hustle-money mindset appears, I look for evidence to replace it. 

Evidence like...

I have everything I need.

I am capable. 

I am making an impact.

I am a money-making entrepreneur.

I make investments.

I protect my profit.

Having a scarcity mindset is not a life sentence when you make it a practice to rewrite the sentences of your life.

I have enough.

I have everything I need.

I have more than I need.

Scaling my business will not come from money, but from the impact I want to make. 

That's a life sentence for me.

I write in my journal that my success is having the feeling of being successFULL: full of joy, ease, and impact.

That's winning the lottery for me.

In the book, The Soul of Money, author Lynne Twist shares three money mindset myths that are merely LIES:

  • There's not enough

  • More is better

  • That's just the way it is (There's not enough to go around, more is definitely better, and the people who have more are always people who are other than us)

Finding sufficiency in money, as written about in the book, is the path to understanding your relationship with money—sufficiency is from understanding what is really enough and your ability to have agency.

A managed mind is your biggest money maker.

When you let go of trying to get more of what you don't really need, it frees up oceans of energy to make a difference with what you have. When you make a difference with what you have, it expands. -- Lynne Twist

If you are considering working with a High-Performance Success Coach or want to know more about the components of a coaching engagement, let’s get on a coaching call.  As a business coach for women entrepreneurs, Executives, and Teams, my proven engagement method is highly results driven.

The question I get most frequently is, ‘What results can I achieve?’ Here’s what one client shared:

“Coaching is by far the most ROI-positive investment you can make in yourself. Do it! Even if you go in with a specific issue or question, you will be amazed by how the process can change your thinking about who you are, your skills, and where you want to go.”

You can wait for life to no longer be hard. If you are a dreamer and a doer, let’s have a conversation.

High-performance success coaching and business coaching, and life coaching combined for massive value and impact on your life and business.


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