The Secret to Decisive Leadership

Every day in big, and even the smallest of ways, you give away your power. You may not even realize you are doing it.

Not the kind of power that has you having more power or authority over someone else, but YOUR power over YOUR agency to create, move forward, become decided and successful.

Giving your power away adds up over time with negative and even destructive compounding impact on you.

You give away your power when you:

Need certainty

Wait for outside validation

Let fear be your guide

Allow guilt to takeover

Care about others opinions of you

Don’t set boundaries

Allow others to bring out the worst in you

Are defensive

Play the role of victim


Compare yourself to others (this is a big one!)

Each of these is a fuel source to your power-outage.

Those thoughts about fear, uncertainty, comparison are signs of the mismanaged mind having a field day.

Those thoughts are negatively indulgent -- making it seem complicated and difficult, but that’s a lie that holds you back.

You make it harder on yourself when you beat yourself up for not showing up more decided and more powerfully. That’s another power-outage source.

Reframe and refocus on what you have already, what you want, who you are to reclaim your power.

You become powerful when you:

Define who you want to become and start showing up as that person

Give yourself permission to do it

Imagine a better future for yourself that you’ve created

Make decisions from that future

Let go of changing others, because the only thing you can change is YOU

Feel scared, but dive in despite it (that’s growth!)

Take risks both small and giants ones

Believe that “other peoples opinions of you is none of your business.”

You regain your power, even when things are uncertain, because you’ve gotten certain that giving away your power has got to stop.

When you start showing up more powerfully:

-Your impact as a leader gets more impactful

-Your power becomes infectious to the benefit of others

-Those fears you have will begin to lose their hold over you

You will not find your power OUT THERE.

It’s in there, already, waiting for you to get decided.

Start becoming aware. Audit yourself on any given day to see where these power-outages are showing up. Likely, you will see they are surprisingly frequent visitors in your thoughts, relationships and actions.

Power takes decisive action, commitment to yourself, discipline and a daily practice.

Reclaim those indulgent thoughts, and replace them with decision.

One thought and one decision at a time.

Here's to you and what you will create with your true power.

If you are considering working with a Coach or want to know more about the components of a Coaching engagement, let’s get on a call with this link.

The question I get most frequently on these calls, ‘what results can I achieve?’ Here’s what one client shared:

"I received several helpful tools including journal prompts, reflection exercises and ongoing coaching, however, the biggest tool helped me mindfully observe my thoughts and see how they were tied to the actions I was taking in my business. Christina also helped me uncover my value, and helped me disconnect my worth from my business, which helped me make better decisions and enjoy growing my business more."


Thinking Out of the Box for Leaders


High-Performers Control Only What They Can Control