More Business, Less Busy-ness

I'm just sooo busy!

If you know me, then you know I don’t like it when people say, “I’m busy”.

And I like it even less when I say, “I’m busy”!

But we all do it.

Nothing changes when we tell people we are busy.

Busy is a thought.

It’s a thought that feels bad, punitive, overwhelming.

It compounds negativity. And when we tell people we are busy, it makes us feel worse.

So, how about intentionally reframing it?

Next time you want to say “I’m busy”, instead try saying “I’m in demand” and notice how you feel.

The only way to change being busy is to change how you think about busy.

What creates busy thoughts?

To-do lists are traps for busy bees. But you already know that, because once you check an item off your list… another one follows! And then another. You know there’s always more, especially in leadership.

The next time you write a list, ask yourself if it includes what's most important to you, your business, and your future ambitions… or is it simply a list of things to get done today?

Look at it through the lens of these questions:

·       Does it have you working on your business instead of in the business?

·       Does your list reflect what you want to work on?

·       Will pursuing these things help you become who you want to become?

·       Is it full of investments, in you and your future?

Thinking about how you will invest in your future today is a much better thought than busy.

Why not reframe your To-do as a ‘To-MY FUTURE’ list?

As part of my morning routine, I write down three priorities in pursuit of my future ambitions. I use my morning time to super think to create the thoughts that center me on what I want most.

Doing this each day has a compounding effect that helps suffocate busy as it creates positive momentum, motivation and builds confidence.

The To Dos will get done. If not today, then tomorrow. Today, give priority to creating your To-My Future list.

Another trap of busy is your calendar. When you allow the meetings of the day to become your organizing system, you will not grow or scale. I know this well.

When the calendar controls you, you put off writing your To-My Future list.

Consider creating your weekly calendar beginning with your To-My Future list as a baseline. When your calendar begins with your future priorities, you will then manage meetings and To-Dos around them.

I worked with someone many years ago who blocked out two hours of his day each day. On his shared electronic calendar it said ‘Me Time’ everyday for 2 hours. I naively made fun of it with others at the time. He is now a successful CRO. I could have learned earlier from him if I’d been curious enough to ask about his calendaring. He set time in his day to get sh-t done. He dedicated time in pursuit of his highest priorities. He got sh-t done. He's now the sh-t.

Ask anyone who knows me well, and they will tell you I have 20, 30, 40 tabs open on each of Chrome and Safari on any given day. This creates busy in my mind. I'm committed to closing the tabs and creating a calendar filled with my future aspirations to banish busy for good.


Success: Hell Yes!

