How Reflection and Hard Decisions Transformed My Business
I was afraid I’d lose friends.
I worried I wouldn’t be liked.
I wondered what they would think of me.
Chaos would hit my business. I was sure of it.
At the beginning of 2024, I made two decisions that stayed on repeat in my mind for about six months until I finally decided.
Overthinking was a daily anchor.
I was so pissed at myself, scared of regret. Why wasn’t I stronger?
I am the CEO of Me, but because of fear, rumination, and doubt, I was acting far from it.
The two decisions:
Parting from a Mastermind in which I was a member and coach for two years.
Letting go of my assistant of 2+ years.
I now realize that the floodgate to growth is through hard decisions.
I now realize that certainty doesn’t exist, but belief in yourself always wins.
I realize now:
It’s ok to grow out of and evolve from people and programs.
People who judge my decisions probably didn’t like me in the first place.
The only right way to do my business is the way I make it right.
That it’s possible to find the support I need.
…And I’ve become more of the CEO I want to be.
I wouldn’t have seen this without a weekly reflection.
Reflection is a tool for growth.
Reflection + Awareness —> Insight = New Possibility & Growth
You might shrug off reflection as it's so simple. Or do it quickly to assess if it was a good or bad week.
This doesn’t provide insight, discovery, or a spotlight on the future you are trying to create.
The real power of reflection comes with an investment of time and consistency.
Reflection is a process to look back on the future you are creating. To become the investigator of what’s working, what’s not, and what you want to do this week to master your future.
The compounding look back at my weeks over time produces so much insight and direction into where I’ve gone off the deep end and where I’m going.
Through reflection, I see…
Where I’ve made mistakes to pivot quickly.
My belief and conviction ahead of the outcome is where results are made.
I’m a badass who coaches her butt off to help clients build more of their belief.
I realize that all that negative shit-talk at the beginning of the year was nonsense. I’ve done uncomfortable things before, and to expect only to make easy decisions is entitlement.
I realize rumination depletes my energy and distracts me from my work.
Overthink and rumination are a decision not to make a decision.
I needed to let go to let in more of what I wanted and needed.
Looking back, I didn’t lose friends. Those that mattered, I’m still deeply connected to.
Now it’s your turn.
Take stock each week of your life and business. Start with last week. Given that we are at the year’s midpoint, do a six-month review of each week this year.
The weekly review is additive over time. Look for trends, improvements, and impact over time.
Measure it against your business and personal goals.
Measure your weeks against the future you are trying to create.
Read this post: To My Future List.
Get out a pen and paper and answer these questions to help you evaluate and measure progress:
What was the intended outcome?
Was it achieved - Yes, No, or in part?
What worked?
What didn’t?
What would I have done differently?
What will I learn from this?
What will I do next time or in the future?
What do you see?
Then, make a Let-Go list: social media, people, things, technology, habits, out-of-control calendars, over-think, wasted time.
Letting go of self-inflicted anchors is like ripping off a band-aid. A split second of pain, and then it’s open to fresh, new air.
Become conscious of where you spend your time. If not, you’ll ask where the time went. Time is your greatest asset.
Reminder: Stop the overthink. It’s zapping your time and energy.
You can use your reflections to see what you want to double down on, let go of, and see where you are having an impact.
Then, set magnificent and extraordinary goals for the second half of 2024.
Then, ask: What would have to be true to achieve my goals?
This question forces you to rethink assumptions and rework systems and beliefs that may be the bottlenecks to achieving extraordinary things.
Reflection = Momentum —> Flywheel
Be willing to rip the band-aid off.
Be willing to invest time into creating the future.
Be willing to create your impossible possibility from huge goals.
Success is an inside job. It’s inside of you to create the life you want.