Creating Success in 12-Week Sprints

We are one quarter into 2023. How's it going?

"The only way to make your present better

is to make your future bigger."

Dan Sullivan, Innovator, and Author

You may think you are 'behind' or 'things aren't working.' The brain is wired to default to the negative. More often than not, when you look back and pull up the facts, a different story emerges.

Start by investigating. Do a Q1 audit to look for the facts, see what you've accomplished, and bring discipline going forward using these questions:

  • What worked?

  • What didn't work?

  • What will you do differently for the rest of the year?

Do this for your business AND your life.

Then map out your second quarter 12-Week Sprint.

The 12-Week Sprint is a visual week-by-week view of your upcoming quarter priorities to bring concentrated focus to projects, initiatives, and building your business by week.

Your 12 Week Sprint, @ChristinaLangdonBossLady, blue background,  light blue chart with month, week, focus area, and complete

Calling it a sprint is not to create hustle. The purpose is to bring focus to your goals with high-level future-focused thinking.

The 12-Week Sprint moves you from your To Dos to creating an execution plan on priorities that have you working ON the business instead of IN it. Planning out and thinking about your quarter from your C.E.O.’s future-focused mind.

As the C.E.O. of you,

what do you want to create in the coming months?

The 12-Week Sprint is not for your weekly work. On mine, you won’t find coaching hours. You won’t find my Sunday Sunshine newsletter writing. Those are a part of the normal course of business.

Each week has a project, initiative, or preparation that will have a compounding impact when you give it focus.

You may have more than one priority during any given week. Be sure to include big events, conferences, or launches to help you map out preparation time.

Every week during the quarter, go to your 12-Week Sprint to see what you’ve accomplished and what’s coming up to assess if you are on track, what things need to move around, or if you want to add to it. Look for what's missing.

Challenge yourself to go big. Re-read Dan Sullivan's quote from above. Consider putting it on a Post-it note as a reminder that the bigger you plan your future, the better you will feel today.

At the end of the quarter, review your progress. Open your calendar today and add this review to the week or two before the beginning of every new quarter.

  • What worked

  • What didn’t work

  • What will you do differently next quarter

  • Plan for the coming 12-Week Sprint

Laying your weeks out in advance brings focus and expectation to the business you are creating.

This is leading with impact.

This is leading the C.E.O. of Me.

This is creating your success. For Success Sake!

If you are considering working with a Coach or want to know more about the components of a Coaching engagement, let’s get on a call with this link.

The question I get most frequently on these calls, ‘what results can I achieve?’ Here’s what one client shared:

“Coaching is by far the most ROI-positive investment you can make in yourself. Do it! Even if you go in with a specific issue, or question in mind, you will be amazed by how the process can change your thinking about who you are, the skills you have, and where you want to go.”

High performance business coaching, executive leadership coaching, life coaching combined for massive value and impact on your life and business.


Successful leaders think about their thoughts


Competency, Confidence, and Belief for CEOs and High Performers