Your Summer of YES
There is nothing better than the smell of cut green grass, the scent of ocean water on a hot summer day and the need for sunscreen. Summer comes with shorter Fridays, weekend trips and vacation. I love summer.
Summer also marks the halfway point of the year.
The influencer, author and successful business owner, Gary Vaynerchuk says that when others are vacationing, he works his butt off. Never one to follow convention, Gary doubles-down on his work when others take time off, and his success and impact reflects it.
What if you could make the summer of 2022 your:
Summer of YES
Saying yes to slower Fridays and vacation, and at the same time, saying YES to your business and the results you want to create?
This time last year I said YES to writing, designing and printing a custom writing journal. For two years, I made excuses. My summer of YES began with committing that I would get out of my own way and get it done.
I considered that if all of my fears and excuses came ‘true’, I would at least have tried and learned something. Two and a half months later, it was at the printer. It took longer than expected, I wasn’t entirely happy with the design or the cover stock, but I did it. Not perfect, but accomplished. I gifted it to clients and created a new revenue stream.
In two months, I had accomplished something that was on my wish list for 2 years.
What can you say YES to this summer?
Many people will stand in your way if you let them. But sometimes, you're the person in the way of your success.
This summer, say YES to something you've wanted to do and DO IT. Break the cycle of you being thing in the way of what you want:
-Apply for that TEDx talk
-Launch a side or new hustle
-Start a meditation practice
-Take a writing class
The sneaky thing about your mind is that it doesn’t want you to achieve the impossible because it tells you it's scary, risky, uncertain.
Your brain tells you there’s no possible way to have both an amazing summer and double-down on your business. It allows unsubstantiated fear kill your desires and dreams.
The mind says ...
I don’t have time.
I’m too busy.
It will be hard.
I can't do both.
I’m not sure where it will end up.
I need to wait until…
The waiting for something to happen is the sneakiest lie you tell yourself.
Listen to how you defend your excuses more than you do your potential.
Guess what? You can’t make excuses for yourself and get out of your own way at the same time.
What will be different when you say YES this time?
I looked at all of the ways I’m getting in my own way. I listed them out from the back-office to automation to organization to planning ahead.
What is possible for me when I focus on these things?
I will take my business to another level.
What would change for me?
I will gain more time to create higher value content and work.
My business will run with more ease and that would bring me more ease.
What would be different?
I will walk into my highest self.
Your Summer of YES
What does your summer of YES look like?
Enjoy summer for all it has to offer.
Let it feed you with energy to make new investments in you.
Listen for all of the nos and then say YES.
Say YES to saying no to what’s getting in way to saying yes.
Say yes to YOU.
Here are some summer reading recommendations. A few of my favorites.
(From top to bottom) Playing Big by Tara Mohr; The Go-Giver by Bob Burg & John D.Mann; Unbound: A Woman’s Guide to Power by Kasia Urbaniak; No Hard Feelings by Liz Fosslien & Mollie West Duffy; The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron; Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown; $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi.