Re-finding the Joy of Your Work

Opportunities don’t knock, they whisper. So shut up and listen.

Thomas Leonard

We often miss the whispers of opportunities from the noise of the day.

And, these are the nosiest days of all. In the noise, we miss the joy.

Joy, we all need right now.

Joy, that’s right here in front of us.

The joy of being present.

The joy we can create.

The noise zaps our awareness of what’s important to us, what fills us up, and makes us whole.

Missing the joy has us missing out.

Joy doesn’t come from doing more but from slowing down to become more intentional, especially with our thoughts.

Joy is a feeling, a result of our thoughts.

If you are not working to manage your mind this holiday, your mind is managing you.

With 60K thoughts a day, 80% of them on repeat and 95% of those negative thoughts, it’s no wonder we feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and not present, and missing out on the joy we want.

Here’s 5 minutes of joy.

Give yourself this gift of joy that comes wrapped in perspective, incredulous possibility, and from deciding that the journey of risk is worth the experience.

This is a true story about creating the impossible.


**Watch to the end**

Young boys who imagined a new possibility but never imagined it would change their lives OR the lives of an entire country.

They were undeterred by the noise from the naysayers.

They created their joy by:

  • Building belief in themselves.

  • Leading from the thought, 'Why not?'

  • Being resourceful.

  • Digging deep even when faced with obstacles.

  • Changing the game when and where the game needed changing.

  • From knowing that BETTER was possible.

And having so much FUN while doing it.

Make the Difference is the name of this video. Each of us can make a difference every day. With each interaction. At each moment.

What if you could make a difference this week?

How would you make this fun?

What do you need to believe?

This week, I was filled with nerves and excitement ahead of my 90-minute Possibilities Workshop among a group of high-achievers and change-makers. I wanted to believe I could make a difference, but the noise inside my head had different thoughts. Nasty thoughts. I took out my journal just before start time and answered this thought: What if this was fun?

I found my joy on the page that I brought into the moment.

Ahh, there it is again. Proof that when you manage your mind, anything is possible.

This week, I challenge you to FIND YOUR JOY.

Start by quieting the noise of the day.

Know that one new thought today could change your holiday season.

P.S. I posted this story on Instagram from a post in my feed. It generated more impressions and engagement than anything I'd posted in the past six months. 'I will make you F*cking proud.'


Another moment of joy created.

Instagram Post: Watch me make you f*cking proud.

If you are considering working with a High-Performance Success Coach or want to know more about the components of a coaching engagement, let’s get on a coaching call.  As a business coach for women entrepreneurs, Executives, and Teams, my proven engagement method is highly results driven.

The question I get most frequently is, ‘What results can I achieve?’ Here’s what one client shared:

“Coaching is by far the most ROI-positive investment you can make in yourself. Do it! Even if you go in with a specific issue or question, you will be amazed by how the process can change your thinking about who you are, your skills, and where you want to go.”

You can wait for life to no longer be hard. If you are a dreamer and a doer, let’s have a conversation.

High-performance success coaching and business coaching, and life coaching combined for massive value and impact on your life and business.


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