One Quality that Sets Successful CEOs Apart

Many years ago, when I was leading the sales team at Martha Stewart Living, one of my bosses told me that I was too direct.

She shared that my directness was holding me back from achieving career success. That I put people off. I was harsh.

I can’t remember exactly what she said or how much I’m embellishing, because, whatever she said, it left a deep and lasting mark.

I then shrunk myself to make others see me differently and or ‘better’ than direct. I carried the perceived penalty of directness with me and became cautious and scripted. The new character I was playing had me feeling unsure and insecure, and I was less effective.

To those who are labeled:

Aggressive. Keep being assertive as it's a sign of confidence.

Bossy. Keep leading. The world needs change agents more than ever.

Difficult. Stand your ground in your truth.

Too Much. Find the tribe that celebrates you.

Awkward. Believe in your uniqueness. No one is quite like you.

Direct. Stay authentic and transparent. People will always know where they stand with you.


One more thing….

When you’re dismissed, make your voice louder. What you have to say is not only important it may just be what they and you need to hear.

Most importantly, be yourself.

You are beautiful just the way you are.

My directness is a point of difference now. It's now my signature.

I’m careful to use my directness positively, not punitively. When I'm direct, people know I care deeply.

I will no longer be minimized by the words of someone who could have shared with me the benefits of my directness. What a learning moment it could have been to help me see how I could leverage my directness to lead with even more brilliance.

I talked about how direct is kind in this podcast episode of the Kindness Think Tank. One listener commented that it was one of the best leadership podcasts she had ever listened to.

Here's to all of us bossy, difficult, loud, direct badasses.

"I felt I was treading water without having a clear picture of what I wanted to do for my business and how to stay on track in my business. I FEEL so much better about where I am in my business and who I am in my business. I learned to let go of forcing a very strict schedule, one where I basically woke up and was behind, to a schedule that worked with me as who I am. Instead of forcing or white-knuckling something, I learned to embrace my strengths and weaknesses and create a schedule that left me feeling accomplished and empowered more often than not."


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