2 min read

Updated: Dec 24, 2020

Something to consider as we end the year and turn the page to a new chapter in 2021:

“If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done,

You Always Get What You’ve Always Gotten.”

–Jessie Potter

Taking action is the first step to building the momentum towards any goal. During a workshop this week, participants ranked on a scale of 1-10 where they were with their career momentum. Most ranked it a 6.

There is a reason why some people don’t get momentum or achieve the things they want. People fail to see beyond the now. They get stuck in current circumstances. They hold back on imaging a future state.

A vision or a goal is a dream set to paper.

Don't just think it - INK IT!

According to one my favorite books, 5: Where Will You Be 5 Years From Today by Kobi Yamada,

  • 80% of Americans DON'T have goals.

  • 16% say they do have goals, but they don't ever write them down.

  • 4% do write down their goals.

  • Less than 1% actually review their goals on an ongoing basis.

I write a vision for my extraordinary year during the week between the holidays. I envision myself 365 days forward (at the end of next year) and write the story of my past year: the experiences and achievements in my personal and professional life. I share specifics for each area in my life. The 'How' does not play a role in the vision.

I then come back to today and begin writing what I would need to accomplish in each month of the year to achieve the vision. And each day, I set three priorities that are investments in my vision and must get done before all else.

Be intentional. Be visionary. Be the hero in your story.

Here are the words shared by those same workshop participants that would create the most momentum for them if double-downed and put more energy against them.

We celebrated in another team workshop this week. Before making plans for 2021, participants paid tribute to the good that came from 2020 and recognized the things they want to continue with in 2021.

Some good stuff in a not-so-good year.


The Triple Threat


A Goal Setting Hack: Connect the Dots