Make Better Decisions

What's the difference between the C.E.O. who's created a $100 Million business and the C.E.O. who's created a $100K business?

Each has the same amount of time yet different results.

The difference lies in their decisions.

Bold thinkers make decisions with bold results.

When I look back at my success from 30 years of running sales and marketing teams working for Martha Stewart and Fast Company and opening up my Coaching business, the biggest moments of accomplishment came from making bold and scary decisions.

What does it look like for you to make bold decisions with life-changing results?

This week in my group coaching program with C.E.O.s who are scaling their businesses, we completed the Year in Review exercise, which finishes with writing Your Sentence of 2023.

Your Sentence of 2023


Your Sentence of 2023 reflects how you want to show up as the C.E.O. in your business to create massive impact and massive results.

Your Sentence of the Year isn’t simply to manifest. That’s passive. 

Thinking positively about it and hoping for the best -- that’s wishful.

Your Sentence of the Year is the statement from which all the decisions in your business are made. 

Every decision. Including where you spend your time.

Your Sentence of the Year is your reminder of what matters most when you are distracted, unfocused, or not feeling it. 

Your reminder to ask: Am I creating bold thoughts to make bold decisions?

When you embrace bold thinking, the thought that will come is: 

It’s done. 

Watch for your sneaky mind when it falls into default thoughts, like when you want someone other than you to make decisions for you. 

Do not off-load your power to someone who may not have the same dreams, desires, or understanding. 

Bold thinkers are curious. They ask good questions.

The higher the quality of questions you ask yourself, the higher the quality of your decisions.

The answers to your questions and decisions are inside you. Ask and be sure to listen. Don’t let the noise of the day be a distraction.

Your success today is a product of the decisions you've already made. What has gotten you here today is a direct result of them. 

Thinking boldly, I asked the members of my group coaching program to set a 2023 Super Goal -- a goal beyond their 2023 Annual Goal but still possible.

The gap between those two numbers lies in BOLD DECISIONS.

“The quality of our lives depends upon the quality of our decision-making,

and the quality of our decision-making depends

upon the quality of our thinking.”

 -P.M. Forni, The Thinking Life

Use my Year in Review exercise to help you think boldly about 2023. Simply email me, and I'll send you the instructions in a downloadable PDF that walks you through the process of pulling analytics and a series of powerful questions to help you make bold decisions.

If you want to scale your business in 2023 with best practices for getting sh*t done and leading with a bold mindset, book a consult HERE.

We'll get started by writing Your 2023 Sentence. Then, we'll make bold decisions inside of a plan we'll create for your most extraordinary year.

The consult is an hour long. We'll figure out where you are, where you want to be, and what's holding you back. Best of all, we'll figure out exactly how to get you where you want to be.

When we work together, you get the support you need to accomplish what you want. It starts with the consult HERE.

If you are considering working with a Coach or want to know more about the components of a Coaching engagement, let’s get on a call with this link.

The question I get most frequently on these calls, ‘what results can I achieve?’ Here’s what one client shared:

"Coaching is by far the most ROI-positive investment you can make in yourself. Do it! Even if you go in with a specific issue, or question in mind, you will be amazed by how the process can change your thinking about who you are, the skills you have, and where you want to go."

High performance business coaching, executive leadership coaching, life coaching combined for massive value and impact on your life and business.

One client says....

"I have learned so much from this incredibly inspiring, kindhearted, strong, badass woman - I listen with more intent, I have found my voice, I communicate with those around me clearly and thoughtfully, and most of all, I see my superpowers. I finally see and feel my purpose."


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