Success Starts with a Definition

I remember transitioning from being married to being a single mother of three children under five. I was living the saying, ‘It takes a village.’

How could I thank the many friends and family who, without question, showed up for school pick-ups, doctor’s appointments, and dinners as I worked full-time in the city? The weekly dinners that my kids and I were invited to, and the patient ears that kept me from falling apart. These gestures were life support to me. I was so thankful but wanted to find a way to give thanks.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, I experienced the same thoughts about how I could give thanks. The gifts, the Doritos when I had an appetite, the luxury mattress pad for the hospital bed, the company when I could barely speak.

How could I give thanks?

This is Thanksgiving week in the U.S., which marks much-needed time with friends and family.

“What if today, we were just grateful for everything?”

– Charlie Brown

It’s a meaningful holiday for me, not because of the food from the feast. While I love making my Mom’s pepperoni and hot sausage stuffing, I crave the intentional slowdown.

Our holiday table has everyone sharing what they are thankful for this past year. Corny, but the ceremony is a moment we speak from the heart with funny, sometimes melancholy, sometimes through the lens of ‘if you are not winning, you are learning!’ Moments of deep connection that bring me joy.

My table share this year feels significant, with so much that feels unsettled right now. I'm committed to being more intentional about giving back, giving gratitude, and giving grace.

I want to dedicate this Sunday Sunshine to you. Thank you for reading Sunday Sunshine.

Each week, I'm over the moon that you open it. I’m so grateful for the kind responses when a post hits home. “Christina, this is what I needed to read today.” “Thank you for inspiring us all to be better.” “This one is a home run.”

Sunday Sunshine is one of the most important things I’ve ever created. That’s because of you. Your time is precious. I’m immensely grateful you give me your time each week. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I write from my heart and about what I’m learning from you. I welcome ideas and topics you want to read more about to help give you a boost in front of the week ahead! Please send them my way.

I want to thank my dynamic, caring, and intentional clients who work tirelessly to be stronger and happier leaders. They are simply exceptional human beings looking to make their and others’ days better. My clients teach me how important it is to work hard for what you want. My clients make me better. They are the gifts that keep giving to me.

Life does take a village. In this season of thanks, let’s be intentional in spirit, mindset, and execution. Let’s be intentional about looking for the little moments that truly matter and bring you joy.

Define your joy ahead of time.

That's when expectation becomes reality.

Instead of one day of thanks, let’s make it the season of giving. The best gifts are the gifts of giving from the heart with kind words and thoughtful gestures worth so much more than monetary gifts.

Let’s also be more intentional about giving ourselves thanks. In my Success Unleashed class this week, we talked about bringing intention to recognizing ourselves, the good stuff we are doing and have created, and who we are.

A toast to yourself that’s just for you.

To get you started and inspire your thinking, make a list of evidence to support this statement:

I am my past self’s dream.

Share your list with me. I'd love to celebrate you with you.

If you are considering working with a High-Performance Success Coach or want to know more about the components of a coaching engagement, let’s get on a coaching call.  As a business coach for women entrepreneurs, Executives, and Teams, my proven engagement method is highly results driven.

The question I get most frequently is, ‘What results can I achieve?’ Here’s what one client shared:

“Coaching is by far the most ROI-positive investment you can make in yourself. Do it! Even if you go in with a specific issue or question, you will be amazed by how the process can change your thinking about who you are, your skills, and where you want to go.”

You can wait for life to no longer be hard. If you are a dreamer and a doer, let’s have a conversation.

High-performance success coaching and business coaching, and life coaching combined for massive value and impact on your life and business.


Success is a Mindset and Behavior


With so much at risk, nothing felt risky.