A Letter From Your Future

As 2024 comes to a close, I invite you to join me in a powerful year-end ritual: writing a letter from your future self.

This isn't about resolutions - it's about writing from a year from today, on December 29, 2025, describing the bold achievements and transformations you've realized and created over the previous year.

Write from possibility, not just hopes or wishes. Speak through your inner wisdom in the present tense as if you're already there and have achieved it.

It's a vision of your future, a call to be something more.

Vision is not just a picture of what could be;

it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.

~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter

I've practiced this ritual for years to realign with what truly matters. With deep thought and throughout a couple of writing sessions, you will be amazed at what unfolds.

Where vision leads, life follows.

Replace traditional resolutions with this letter from your future self - your commitment paired with decisive action.

See you in 2025!

blue script text that reads "sunday sunshine" over a yellow sun

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