10 Things You Are Not Taught to Achieve Success
Here is what I wish I had been taught before I learned the hard way.
How is a dream killer.
How is a roadblock of your own making. Instead of saying you don’t know how to change your life, grow your business, or find your motivation, what about asking yourself if I knew how, what would be different for me? How is fear talking. Listen for it and see it for what it is, then ask for support or go to Google.
Leadership is lonely.
High performers strive to become leaders; when they get there, there’s a surprise at how lonely it is. It’s the leaders who choose not to let the loneliness shrink them and get the support they need from a coach or mentor or join like-minded networks that reignite their love of leading.
You are not entitled.
Success is hard more than it is easy. It may look easy for some, but trust me, they have their own hard. You are not entitled to it being easy. You are also not entitled to success. If you catch yourself saying why isn’t this easier that’s when entitlement creeps in.
Success is 87% driven by mindset.
We are not taught to listen to our thoughts to make sense of them before we react and respond. When you are not in control of how you are thinking, you are not in control of how you are showing up. Watching your thoughts is a learned practice to help you be your best for yourself and others.
Communication is a success skill.
We are not taught how to communicate to create the outcomes we want. Writing emails often feels like explaining, telling, or defending. When you learn how to communicate from a place of knowing the outcomes you want to create, you create more of what you want.
You have choices.
A choice to react. A choice to not make negative feedback or a negative experience about your self-worth. A choice not to react negatively but react in pursuit of how we want to feel and the results we want to create.
To be your own advocate.
Too many offload their power to others. Expecting mentors or great bosses to direct you to your future. Stop looking for somebody to give you permission or validate you. Success is your responsibility.
A few other things we are not taught:
To celebrate what’s strong with you.
To know we are enough just as we are.
To focus on what’s working instead of what’s not.
To listen for understanding instead of responding.
To believe in ourselves and what we are capable of.
To measure success by looking backward to build forward.
To teach people how to treat you by how you treat yourself.
If you see yourself in my story, reach out to discuss creating an actionable plan with proven results to lead yourself with stronger outcomes from a clear mindset and a vision for your future.
*Cambridge Institute of Technology study
If you are considering working with a High-Performance Success Coach or want to know more about the components of a coaching engagement, let’s get on a coaching call. As a business coach for women entrepreneurs, Executives, and Teams, my proven engagement method is highly results driven.
The question I get most frequently is, ‘What results can I achieve?’ Here’s what one client shared:
“Coaching is by far the most ROI-positive investment you can make in yourself. Do it! Even if you go in with a specific issue or question, you will be amazed by how the process can change your thinking about who you are, your skills, and where you want to go.”
You can wait for life to no longer be hard. If you are a dreamer and a doer, let’s have a conversation.
High-performance success coaching and business coaching, and life coaching combined for massive value and impact on your life and business.